Cat Hydro Services
How can we help with your water requirements?
Welcome to Cat Hydro Services Pty Ltd
Welcome to Cat Hydro Services Pty Ltd
We provide high quality hydrogeological and environmental services throughout Australia. We have 25 plus years experience working in state government and private industry.
We offer a complete turn key hydrogeological and environmental package. We can provide help with:
- Water supply and regulation - apply for 26D and 5C (WA) groundwater licenses,
- Prefeasibility and feasibility reporting for project development,
- Drilling supervision of 26D exploratory license to define groundwater prospects,
- Design and construction of monitoring and production bores during 26D license exploration,
- Apply for a 5C license to obtain a H1, H2 or H3 level of groundwater assessment,
- Use the 5C license to develop water supply for bore fields and mine dewatering,
- Pumping tests and analysis used to obtain a 5C license,
- Dewatering and Borefield drawdown impact assessment to obtain a 5C license using:
- analytical techniques
- numerical techniques - groundwater modelling,
- Software aided 2D and 3D hydrogeological and geological interpretation,
- Water chemistry analysis,
- Develop regulatory reporting requirements,
- Project management and development,
- GDE assessment and management,
- Biological surveys and assessment, and
- Supply all drilling rig resources.
With a variety of offerings to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us.
Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!
Mud Drilling Operations
Mud Drilling Operations
Provide drilling support and supervision
Drill cuttings
Drill cuttings
Hydrogeological logging and interpretation
We love to surf in remote places.......